Guest Information

Visiting a church can be challenging. Where do we go? What time does everything begin? What’s available for my teens and children?
We want your visit to Greenwood Bible Baptist Church to be refreshing and beneficial for you and your entire family. Hear God-honoring music, practical preaching and teaching, meet friendly people, and have a place where you can “make yourself at home.”
Here are the answers to some questions you may have. If we missed one, please contact the church office by phone (317-859-9440) or by email and we’ll assist you any way we can!
Sunday 11:00 am worship service combines hymns and edifying music with clear, practical preaching and teaching from the Bible. Sunday 6:00 pm Sunday evening we gather together again each to worship and enjoy fellowship around God’s Word. Wednesdays at 7:00 pm we gather for worship and praying for one another. In all our services, Pastor Poynter preaches and teaches directly from the Bible, using the King James Version.

No matter what your personal style, we hope you’ll be comfortable in an environment that values modesty. If you prefer dressy, business, or casual attire, chances are there will be others dressed much like you when you visit. Sundays do tend to business and business casual; Sunday night and Wednesday night tend to business casual and casual.
Toddlers and children learn while they play, so their clothing sometimes reflects their play and hands-on learning activities.

Junior and senior high students dress casually on Wednesday evenings because games and events are sometimes held outside.

The church staff are typically in business attire and our women observe conservative dress/modesty.

​We have parking near the main entrance for our guests. The lot extends along the north side of the building and there is always spots open in the back on the east side of the gym.
Friendly greeters will meet and direct you to the auditorium, classrooms, or nurseries. Greeters and ushers will be happy to answer any questions you may have during your visit. Ushers are easy to spot in their red suitcoats.
Supervised nurseries, (infants through toddlers) are available during all services freeing parents to worship, receive instruction from God’s Word, and participate in ministry – confident that their children’s needs are being met.
One of the best ways to meet others and develop friendships is to be involved in a Sunday School Class – there are a number available from which to choose. Our classes give opportunities for Christian fellowship and spiritual growth.
Attending a service, class or group is one of the best ways to start. Friendly people are here to answer your questions and provide you with information about our ministries and events.